Since April 1 WUMCO has distributed more than 2000 pounds of food (almost 1/3 of the yearly Scouting for Food collection) in less than 2 weeks! The sharp rise in grocery bills and the reduction of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program assistance to March 2020 levels have combined to push the need way up. WUMCO does not purchase any of the food, cleaning or personal hygiene items that it distributes to their clients. They depend on donations, especially from our community.  

WUMCO needs your help to keep food on their shelves for their clients, who are mostly area seniors and working-parent families who are food insecure. Anything is appreciated but there is a particular need for: canned chicken, salmon, SpaghettiOs’s, or similar protein, mac and cheese, jelly, soup (especially tomato), canned vegetables- especially diced tomatoes (any other type except green beans and corn), rice 

Remember WUMCO when you are grocery shopping for your own family, especially take advantage of those BOGOs. Think of the things you need in your own household including cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products. Click Here for a WUMCO Wish List.

Donations can be dropped anytime in the box in the Pike & Valega, DDS parking lot or brought to WUMCO (17821 Elgin Rd, Poolesville) weekday mornings until noon. Or bring a food item with you to any Poolesville Seniors’ in-person event and we will deliver it. Thank you!