Contributed by Suzanne Tobin

WUMCO Help is offering four low-cost health and dental clinics to Poolesville and upper Montgomery residents, 18 and older, in the coming weeks. 

Health clinics will be provided through Care for Your Health, (/, a nonprofit whose mission is to “deliver inclusive, multicultural healthcare where it is needed.” The nonprofit believes health care is a human right. It was created to serve adults and elders in our community.  

Mark your calendar for the health clinics for WUMCO clients that will be held Nov. 4, Nov. 18, Dec. 2 and Dec. 16, the first and third Saturdays of each month, at Poolesville Baptist Church (17550 W. Willard Rd., across from Poolesville High School) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

The clinic will serve anyone 18 and older, insured or uninsured. A primary care physician can perform an annual checkup, provide a consultation for an illness, or write prescription refills. Lab work is available, but only in the mornings. To book an appointment, call ahead to Care for Your Health at 240-258-8583. Walk-ins are permitted if time and personnel are available, but an appointment will help ensure you have access to the doctor.  (Please note, Saturday lab work, like blood draws, can only be done in the morning, so consider that when scheduling.)  

In addition, WUMCO is offering a free dental clinic, through the Mobile Dentist ( on the first Wednesday in November and the second Monday in December. So, mark your calendar for Nov. 1 and Dec. 11. The van will park in the lot between WUMCO, 17821 Elgin Rd., and the Poolesville United Methodist Church, 17815 Elgin Rd. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please call 301-972-8481 (ext. 7) and leave your name and phone number. 

Over the past year WUMCO expanded its assistance to include free health and dental care for their clients. It has been incredibly successful. The nine dental clinics from October to September served 89 individuals, for 164 total visits for the year to date. The cost to run one clinic is approximately $8,000. WUMCO’s requires $100,000 to provide monthly clinics for one year to our low-income neighbors. 

Unfortunately, WUMCO learned this summer that the funding from Montgomery County to continue the dental program for another year did not come through. However, in September, they were awarded a matching grant from the Healthcare Initiative Foundation to help them meet their goal. WUMCO is reaching out now for community help to meet the program’s $10,000 shortfall.  

Your generous partnership will ensure that WUMCO can continue to provide dental care. Please help provide these vital services for our neighbors. Your support will go directly to the dental care program.