Check our our list of suggestions to keep you safe while you drive in winter weather!

 During inclement winter weather it is advisable that you stay off the road. However, if travel is unavoidable, here are some suggested items to prepare you for an emergency.   

  1. First Aid Kit
    • Thermometer 
    • Analgesic (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) 
    • Wound cleanser 
    • Antibacterial ointment 
    • Bandages 
    • Old belt for tourniquet 
    • Cleansing alcohol (this can also be used to unfreeze door locks and windshield wipers) 
    • Supplies for medical emergency ex. Juice box or nutrition bar for diabetics. 
    • Water for drinking 
  2. Jumper Cables Review how to use these particularly for newer cars with hidden batteries.
  3. Flat Tire Kit Keep a properly inflated spare tire, jack, and lug wrench & any specialty wheel lock key.
  4. Flashlight and extra Batteries 
  5. Cell phone charger.  
  6. Fire Extinguisher In case of accident or engine fire. 
  7. Auto Hammer/Seatbelt Slicer This tool can break the windshield and cut through seatbelts in an emergency. 
  8. Flares 
  9. Blankets for every passenger. 
  10. Hand /Foot Warmers