A Bittersweet “Adieu”  

Cora Coakley is retiring after completing her three-year term as a member of our Board of Directors. While we are happy that Cora will be able to pursue her many interests and hobbies – her grandchildren, travelling, swimming, playing bridge, exercising, biking, and anything outdoors – we are saddened to lose the unique talents of this dedicated and hard-working volunteer. 


Cora’s meticulous planning and attention to detail have made a success of many of our activities and events – especially our Quarterly Socials which she initiated. Her experience in many other non-profits in our community brought knowledge to our Board table that helped us to overcome obstacles, avoid pitfalls and solve problems. Cora’s enthusiasm and dedication to serving the needs of her community was contagious and swept us up and made us desirous of fulfilling our mission. 


Cora’s presence will be greatly missed but her accomplishments will live on in our organization.   

And remember Cora – you can always re-up for another three years!