In 2020, there were 300,000 US WWII service persons still living. In 2021 that number was 200,000. In 2022, the Department of Veterans Affairs reported that 167,284 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II were alive. Even the very youngest of those enlisted would be in their nineties now. It will not be too many years until we do not have any living witnesses to the atrocities of WWII and the bravery of those who fought back.   

National Spirit of ’45 Day on August 14th is the anniversary of the day in 1945 when President Truman announced the end of WWII, “the most destructive war in human history”. That news sparked worldwide celebrations. The United States immediately began laying the groundwork for a better democratic future for its children and their children’s children, as well as its former enemies and allies. Personal responsibility, modesty, honesty, thriftiness, grit, and patience are all things that the “Greatest Generation” earned in an honorable way.   

National Spirit of ’45 Day is a testament to the extraordinary character and of those 16 million enlisted Americans and all of those affected by the hardships and trials of World War II. Their remarkable actions during times of war and the ensuing peace ultimately made the United States and the world a better place in which to live. 

Every August 14th, communities across the country host events and memorials. Each memorial pays honor to those who helped preserve our country, the world, and democracy for future generations. 

On this day, encourage public awareness and participation in honoring America’s “Greatest Generation,” as designated by the United States Congress in 2010. Personal responsibility, modesty, honesty, thriftiness, grit, and patience are all qualities that the Greatest Generation acquired through their perseverance, hard work, and shared sacrifice. Listen to their stories, read their history, and do the best that you can to preserve the better world that they fought to protect.