Tips for Relieving Joint Pain   

Whether your aches and pains are from pickleball or the effect of wintry weather, here are several helpful tips.  

Studies in 2016 published in the Journal of General Practice and in 2019 EMC Musculoskeletal Disorders found that people with arthritis and rheumatism are sensitive to seasonal changes. The advice to alleviate the stiffness and pain are:  

  • Keep moving – Exercising regularly and staying active are vital strategies to relieve pain, strengthen muscles and improve blood flow to support the joints.  
  • Eat healthy – An anti-inflammatory diet may support the immune system, strengthen bones, and keep joints happy.  
  • Supplements and treatments – Vitamin D is important to joint health and vitamin C may help reduce joint pain. Chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and physical therapy are treatments for pain. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, tai chi and yoga lower stress and may reduce pain. Keep in mind it is best to consult with your doctor before using supplements and treatments.  

Remember the warmth of the spring sun is not far away and you can Zoom Tai Chi, Chair Yoga, and Breath, Mind and Body Practice each week with Poolesville Seniors!