If you are getting in Summertime shape, it is important to ease into your exercise routine with the correct tools: warmups, stretches and cool-downs. Cold muscles feel tight and stiff and are more prone to injury.  

 The purpose of the warmup is to lubricate and loosen the joints, raise the heart rate, get the blood flowing to warm the muscles, and increase the body’s core temperature. A proper warm-up, using gentle circular movements of the joints from head to toe, will warm the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints. Essential before any exercise, warmups allow your muscles to stretch more easily and avoid pulls and strains. Even if you are not exercising, a warmup is a terrific way to get the kinks out and start the day! 

The ideal time to stretch is when your muscles are thoroughly warmed and have the most plasticity. You stretch to loosen muscles and increase your range of motion. Stretching increases flexibility after a workout. It also helps to calm the nervous system. 

Cooldowns are a natural end to an exercise session and can be anything from yoga to meditation to a jog or a walk. A cool-down is designed to get you back into a normal pace gradually. 

If you gently ease into and out of a workout with gentle warmups, stretches, and cooldowns, you will avoid stress on your heart and other organs and ward off injury.