For over twenty years the Poolesville Odd Fellows Lodge #97 has been fulfilling a keystone of its service mission, to care for widows and orphans, by sponsoring a Christmas Dinner and social get together.  This highly anticipated event is scheduled for on December 14th from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. at the Poolesville Memorial United Methodist Church. 

A special gift of the IOOF is letting people know that they are cared for. This IOOF event invites all Poolesville area seniors 55+, widows, and widowers who would welcome a chance to break bread and share friendship. You do not need to be a widow or widower to attend. Come together with other Poolesville seniors for this social gathering. 

Many volunteer hours go into planning and preparing this holiday meal, please help to ensure its success. Spread the word and bring your senior relatives, friends and neighbors to enjoy a delicious holiday meal, delightful entertainment, and the company of old and new friends.  

Please RSVP by Friday, December 6, 2024 to Rich Norwood – C # is 301-943-6845 and Patty Salpino – C# is 301 512-0490.  

In addition to this holiday get together, each year the Odd Fellows host an Annual Summer Picnic, reward two middle school and two elementary school students for their community service, and provides scholarships to graduating seniors from the Poolesville area. 

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) was founded in Balitmore in 1819 with the purpose to “visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan.” These altruistic goals made them seem “off fellows” to others of the time. 

The I.O.O.F. today is dedicated to the following purposes: 

To improve and elevate the character of mankind by promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth, faith, hope, charity and universal justice.  

To help make the world a better place to live by aiding each other, the community, the less fortunate, the youth, the elderly, the environment and the community in a multitude of ways.    

To promote good will and harmony among all peoples and nations through the principle of universal fraternity, holding the belief that all men and women regardless of race, nationality, religion, social status, gender, orientation, rank and station are brothers and sisters.