Join Matthew Papuchis virtually on October 28 at 7pm when this former Montgomery County resident discusses his book, “A Little Birdie Told Me… A Journey to Find Hope, Happiness and the Wings to Fly”. He will share excerpts and insights gleaned from his journey through the pandemic.

Matt, a father of three on the cusp of his fortieth birthday, found himself unemployed for the first time in more than 25 years. He battled self-doubt as he looked for hope and happiness—and a new job—amid a global pandemic. During this trying time, while continuing to pursue new career paths, he discovered the hope and happiness he was seeking in an unsuspecting place—nature paths. And via an unsuspecting source—birds. Little ones and big ones and the preserves, parks, and wildlife refuges they called home, all within miles of Matt’s house in Plantation, Florida. Be sure to register so you too can learn from those little birdies! 

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