During April, National Volunteer Month, we celebrate volunteers and volunteerism. Forty years ago, volunteers were only celebrated for a week. Does that mean there are now four times as many volunteers to recognize? Does it mean we value our volunteers four times as much?
Our Poolesville Seniors’ Board of Directors is a totally volunteer group. Our directors spend many hours a week administering the corporation, planning, and hosting events, and authoring articles for our Monday newsletter, and blog.
Our extraordinarily successful Heart ‘n Soul auction engaged over two dozen non-board volunteers! And we deeply appreciate the time and talent they donated. Now that we are beginning to resume more in-person programming, we are once again putting out the call for volunteers.
Do you like to research and create articles on topics of interest to seniors? You can submit your ideas or articles to our communications department at info@poolesvilleseniors.org. If you love re-writing and editing, we can use your talents too.
Are you an inventive idea person? Are planning, running activities, and managing events more your thing? We would welcome you to our Program Committee.
Poolesville Seniors loves to engage volunteers – it is part of our mission to keep seniors active! Volunteers bring innovative ideas and new energies to our programming, communications, and fundraising – and we truly value these contributions. So, email Tookie.gentilcore@poolesvilleseniors.org for more information on how your talent can enhance our mission.