With gardening season underway, the Poolesville Community Garden reminds you about their Little Free Plant Shelf. Located to the left of the side entrance to the garden, it is a place for people to leave plant divisions, extra seedlings and gardening supplies to share with other gardeners. It is a free swap area. To the right of the gate is the Poolesville Community Seed Library mailbox. The mailbox is a place where you can leave seeds you wish to share with the library, and a place where we can leave seed requests in an envelope.  

Mark your calendars for the third annual Poolesville Community Garden GardenFest event which is planned for Mother’s Day weekend on Saturday May 13th. Flower annuals, tomato plants, pepper plants, herbs and lavender plants will be available this year. There will be high quality plants at good prices, and the proceeds will support the garden maintenance. There will also be a garden yard sale tent and a free swap tent at the event. If you are cleaning out your garden shed, please donate any garden related items, outdoor stuff, or décor.  

You can drop off items at Poolesville Presbyterian Church Communiity Garden. If you have specific requests for flower or vegetable plants at the plant sale, please message Sarah Defnet (20+) Sarah Defnet | Facebook