For our second installment in this new series, we introduce you to our March Fan of the Month, Ann Connor. A Poolesville resident for 20 years, Ann has been one busy lady, raising a family, working full time, and caring for her parents. She spent most of her 50-year career as a nurse in health care before retiring in 2020 to explore life in the Ag Reserve.  

Retiring during Covid presented Ann with both challenges and opportunities. She was finally able to plan the next chapter of her life’s journey and looked forward to traveling more.  

At present, Ann is spending a fair amount of time with Poolesville Seniors (PS). She has many and varied interests. She participates in our monthly PS! Book Club, enjoyed our Monarch Butterfly presentation, and started a native perennial garden after our Native Plants and Pollinators event.  

She tunes in regularly to watch Kenny Sholes’ Historic Ag Reserve Properties events and his fascinating stories detailing the history and architecture of area homes. Initially, Ann tuned in to Poolesville Seniors for our presentations on local Historic Black Communities by Skip Etheridge, Sugarland, and Pastor Chuck Copeland and his mother, Yvonne, featuring Martinsburg.  

Ann is interested in continuing to connect with other seniors, hoping to join the Poolesville Seniors’ on-site Thursday Mahjong group and play Pickleball when it moves outdoors in May. In the meantime, this thoughtful, compassionate, energetic retiree has offered some interesting suggestions for future Poolesville Seniors’ presentations: self-maintenance bike repair, drone usage in the Ag Reserve, and finding local idyllic sunset locations. 

Many thanks to Ann for her continuing support and great ideas. If you have your own inspirations for Poolesville Seniors programming or have connections with people able to present any of Anne’s suggestions, you don’t need to wait to be ‘Fan of the Month’ to contact us with your thoughts at