Poolesville Presbyterian Church has launched the first location of the Little Free Pantry in Poolesville, MD. It is intended as an occasional resource to supplement other food security programs such as WUMCO-Help, as well as for those who only have an occasional need. The Little Free Pantry provides yet another way to fill the gap in food security for all area residents by providing a way for neighbors to give what they have and take what they need. It will be monitored, refilled throughout the week and available 24/7. Item suggestions can be left on the ‘Wish List’ chalkboard or emailed to poolesvillepresbyterian@verizon.net.

Due to capacity constraints, smaller individually wrapped items (single roll TP) not commonly found in Food Pantries are suggested. Please deliver any larger quantities of individually wrapped items to the Church for restocking. Feel free to include all types of shelf-stable milks, lentils and beans, dry soup mixes, cereal, coffee (bags of ground or instant – regular or decaf), pasta, sauces, nut butters, baking items (baking soda & powder, vanilla, box mixes, powdered egg, nuts & spices), instant mashed potatoes, canned veggies (well supplied with canned green beans, tuna & chicken just now), canned fruit, kids & baby snacks (bars, fruit snacks, apple sauce), and personal hygiene products (soap, laundry detergent- small packets, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, tampons and pads).

Items subject to freezing will be removed until temperatures return to non-freezing.

Remember this project and shop with intention at the grocery store, especially those BOGO specials.

Check out the Little Free Pantry Flyer Here