Though many snakes are harmless to humans, seeing them in our gardens often makes us a little jumpy, even if we don’t suffer from ophidiophobia (fear of snakes). Snakes don’t damage buildings by making nests, they don’t eat your flowers, and they often help control pests like mice and moles. So why might you want to keep snakes out? 

There are reasons to discourage snakes from hanging out in your outdoor space. Venomous species like copperheads and rattlesnakes pose a threat to your family and pets. Non-venomous snakes are less worrisome, but they can eat beneficial species like earthworms and toads that you’d like to keep around.  

You should keep snakes out of your garden for their own good. They run the risk of being stepped on, attacked by cats and dogs, or run over by lawnmowers. Keeping them at a distance is safer for both people and snakes. 

Planting lemongrass is a natural, humane way to keep snakes from slithering into your yard or garden. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates) works because it contains citronella, which is known for being a natural mosquito repellent and it has a similar effect on snakes. Snakes rely on their strong sense of smell when they hunt. They even have a specialized organ on the roof of their mouth, where they transfer scent molecules using their forked tongue, allowing them to not only smell but taste the air. Because they rely heavily on this supercharged scent ability to locate prey, they dislike strong smells that overpower their senses and make it harder to sniff out their next meal. 

Citronella from lemongrass is one of these scents. In parts of the world where venomous snakes are more common, like Asia and Africa, lemongrass is often planted around houses, schools, yards, and rice paddies to deter these dangerous visitors. Other popular scents that keep snakes out include cinnamon, garlic, and sulfur. 

Lemongrass has the added benefit of acting as a physical barrier to snakes. Its tightly spaced leaves have sharp edges, which are uncomfortable for snakes to move through. Between the plant’s physical structure and unpleasant smell, snakes usually prefer to slither somewhere else. 

Lemongrass is also a mosquito repellent. The citronella oil found in this herb and its intense smell can keep mosquitoes away. One study found that up to 95% of mosquitos from one species were repelled due to the oil’s strong odor over a 2.5-hour period. However, lemongrass isn’t very beneficial against a large nest infestation.  

Plant lemongrass around the perimeter of your yard or garden to create a snake-proof barrier. Lemongrass likes loamy soil with high organic content, so amend your soil with compost as needed before planting. Lemongrass will grow a lot, so space your plants at least two feet apart. Once the plants mature and fill that space, you’ll have a natural fence against snakes. As your plants get bigger, you can also clip lemongrass leaves and stalks and scatter them around your yard to spread the scent. 

Lemongrass is a tender perennial, so it is susceptible to cold. In our USDA zone 7, it may not survive the winter outside. You can keep it in containers and bring it indoors for the winter, but this will make it less effective against snakes because they may be able to slither between pots.   

Fertilize it every week or two to help maximize plant growth. Before the first autumn frost, cut the plant six inches above the plant’s base, and with roots attached, pot these cuttings. Keep them inside during the winter, then use them to replace your outdoor lemongrass when spring arrives. Lemongrass is a tropical plant, so experts recommend watering and misting it often. The natural odor of lemongrass can also help veil your natural body odors, making you invisible to mosquitoes and preventing mosquito bites. Take good care of the plants to maximize their pest-deterring benefits.