Like the cocktail mixers bitters and scrubs, you can use herbs and fruit from your own garden in the simple syrups used in drinks like the Lemon Drop, Whiskey Sour, Daiquiri, Mint Julep and Mojito. 

Just like the name implies, simple syrup is very simple to make, takes a few minutes of time, and requires only two ingredients (sugar and water), or a third if you are flavoring your syrup.  

Read on to find out how to create an easy simple syrup that will sweeten up your cocktails, seltzer, or mocktail. 

Be creative with your flavor combinations. Lavender-Thyme, Black Peppercorn, Rosemary-Clove, Blackberry – Lavender, Peach- Lemon Verbena, or Mint. 

Garden-Infused Simple Syrup 

From The Drunken Botanist by Amy Stewart 

“Simple syrup” is a cocktail staple for balancing the flavors in other ingredients. It can also be used to add a hint of sweetness and flavor to seltzer. 

  • 1/2 to 1 cup herbs, flowers, fruit or 1 tbsp spice 
  • 1 cup water 
  • 1 cup sugar 

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer and stir well, until the sugar has dissolved. Let the mixture cool and pour through a mesh strainer into a sterile glass container or freeze in ice cube tray.  

One of the amazing twists on simple syrup is mint simple syrup, a refreshing and vibrant take on the classic formula. It’s an incredibly easy way to inject some variety into your everyday cocktail and can be the perfect way to take the edge off a hot summer day in a glass of lemon- or limeade, tea, over ice cream, or whip it into cream for a dessert topping. 

Pick your garden mint early in the morning with sharp shears, shake the leaves vigorously to rid of any critters, rinse quickly and remove one cup of leaves. 

Put one cup of water and one cup of sugar in a saucepan and cook on medium heat while whisking until sugar is completely dissolved. Add mint to syrup and boil for five minutes, then let steep for fifteen minutes then let cool.  

Strain cooled syrup into a sterile glass container and refrigerate. The sugared mint leaves can be used to flavor other recipes or mixed into yogurt or ice cream. 

Mint Julep Recipe 

1 oz Mint Simple Syrup 

2.5 oz  Bourbon 

Put ¼ oz Mint Simple Syrup into an 8 oz old fashioned glass. Loosely pack glass with finely crushed ice, then add bourbon. Drizzle remaining simple syrup on top and garnish with mint sprig. Be sure to freeze some of your mint syrup for next year’s Kentucky Derby Juleps!