Walk Across Potomac at Historic White’s Ford

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Join Jon Wolz and the American Legion Post 247 on Saturday August 3rd at 9:00 a.m. for a walk across the Potomac River at White’s Ford and back in the footsteps of Civil War soldiers.  

Participants will meet at the “saloon” at the Calleva Farm on Martinsburg Rd.at 9:00 am to hear a talk by Jon Wolz about the ford and Civil War crossings before venturing out. We will walk across a field and then down a hill to the C&O Canal and towpath. We will walk about a quarter mile down the towpath to the ford. A walking stick will be useful when crossing the river. Crossing to Mason Island is not difficult. Crossing from the tip of Mason Island to the Virginia shore is more challenging. There are slippery rocks in the river that should be avoided. 

 The water may come up to mid-thigh on adults. Wear shoes that you don’t mind getting wet. A dry set of socks and shoes may be more comfortable.  Feel free to wear a lifejacket for added security and use a walking stick.

The current may knock young children down. But children ten and up who are strong swimmers may participate if they are accompanied by an adult at all times. Lifejackets for children are strongly suggested. Dogs should be left at home.

After we come back to the Maryland shore, we will walk back up the towpath to the path across the canal and back up the hill to the field. We will cross the field back to the saloon. Bring your lunch or a snack and socialize after the walk. This walk depends on the weather and water level, so check in the day before. 

Location: Calleva Farm “Saloon”, 19120 Martinsburg Rd., Dickerson, MD  

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