The History of the C&O Canal

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Join us on June 24 at 7 pm to learn the history of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal from George Washington’s vision to its days as a hub of commerce to its role in the Civil War to today’s efforts to preserve and protect this national treasure which is right in our own backyard. 

Jon Wolz, our local expert on the C&O Canal and leader of our “pop-up” walks, has a long history with the canal. As a Montgomery Blair High School sophomore and Eagle Scout, he had already hiked the entire canal. In 1970, Jon was the Boy Scout chosen to testify before a Senate subcommittee on behalf of the bill to protect the C&O Canal as a National Historical Park. Maryland Congressmen Gilbert Gude and J. Glenn Beall sponsored the bill. 

Since 2015 Jon has volunteered as a level walker with the C&O Canal Association (COCA). His two levels encompass the area from White’s Ferry to Monocacy Aqueduct. 

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