Sheep to Shawl

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Join Dalis Davidson of Barnesville’s Dancing Leaf Farm on July 28th at 7pm for a colorful presentation of how she uses raw fleece from her sheep to make wearable articles of clothing. Dalis will demonstrate how she hand-dyes her yarn, and show us various finished products from knitted & felted shawls to her beautiful landscapes ‘painted’ with wool

Dalis Davidson’s Dancing Leaf Farm is a small cottage industry located on two acres overlooking Sugarloaf Mountain. It is home to a couple of sheep and a few chickens. Dalis’ charming studio offers her specialty yarns and fibers for knitters, spinners and felters. She hosts a monthly studio tour and is part of Countryside Artisans, a group of artists who open their studios 3 times a year. The remaining 2022 tours are October 7-9, and December 2-4. 

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