Pop-Up Bike Ride: Whites Ferry to Edwards Ferry and Return

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Join Jon Wolz on Wednesday August 7 at 10:00 am for a Pop-Up Bike Ride from Whites Ferry to Edwards Ferry and return trip.  This is a 9 ½ mile ride round trip. Afterwards, for those who are interested, we can eat lunch at White’s Ferry Grill.  


Jon Wolz, our local expert on the C&O Canal and leader of our “pop-up” walks, has a long history with the canal. As a Montgomery Blair High School sophomore and Eagle Scout, he had already hiked the entire canal. In 1970, Jon was the Boy Scout chosen to testify before a Senate subcommittee on behalf of the bill to protect the C&O Canal as a National Historical Park. Maryland Congressmen Gilbert Gude and J. Glenn Beall sponsored the bill. 

Since 2015 Jon has volunteered as a level walker with the C&O Canal Association (COCA). His two levels encompass the area from White’s Ferry to Monocacy Aqueduct. 

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