Monocacy Aqueduct Pop-up Walk

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Join Jon Wolz on Monday October 30th at 10:00 a.m. for a 3 ¾ mile Pop-up Walk on the C&O Canal. After meeting at the Monocacy Aqueduct parking lot, we will walk out to the mouth of the Monocacy River to view the trees looking out across the Potomac River towards VirginiaWalking back to the aqueduct we’ll view the mystery stone beneath the first arch. Well cross the aqueduct to the Indian Flats campground, then walk back down the canal crossing the aqueduct to view the old canal basin, the Little Monocacy River, the waste weir, lock 27 and lock house continuing down to milepost 41. Along the way, we will view the remains of a Native American fish weir. Walking back to the parking lot we will walk up the entrance road a short distance to view the earthworks that remain from the Monocacy Civil War block house. The turning leaves should be beautiful along the walk.  

Jon Wolz, the leader of our “pop-up” walks and our local expert on the C&O Canal, has had a long history with the canal. Since 2015 Jon has volunteered as a level walker with the C&O Canal Association (COCA). His two levels encompass the area from White’s Ferry to Monocacy Aqueduct.  

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