Blockhouse Point Pop-up Walk

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Looking for a break from the holiday hubbub? Join Jon Wolz at 10:00 a.m. on December 19th (Rain Date 12/20) for a walk-through historic Blockhouse Point Park.  We will walk along the Blockhouse Trail to the Paw Paw Trail and on to the Potomac River overlook. Then back to the Blockhouse Trail to the Civil War earthworks where the blockhouse once stood until its destruction in 1864. Then we will go along the Springhouse Trail to the Blockhouse Trail returning to our vehicles. There are small hills to walk up and down. A walking stick is useful. Some of the trails may have mud. Round trip is about three miles. 

Meet at the small parking lot on the western side of the park on River Road across the street from Pettit Way. Pettit Way is the next street down from Signal Tree Lane along River Road when driving from Poolesville. Vehicles can park along Pettit Way but use caution when crossing River Road.  

Registration is required and limited to 15. 

 Jon Wolz, the leader of our “pop-up” walks and our local expert on the C&O Canal, has had a long history with the canal dating back to 1970. Jon has volunteered as a level walker with the C&O Canal Association (COCA) since 2015. His two levels encompass the area from White’s Ferry to Monocacy Aqueduct.  Jon is a Canal Steward with the C&O Canal Trust for the Monocacy Aqueduct area and is the Poolesville representative for the Canal Towns Partnership. He also writes an occasional article in the Monocacy Monocle and his byline is “In Your Own Backyard”. 

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