When you are housebound on a cold winter day you can still create comfort food right from your pantry. The following recipes were included in meal kits distributed by the Poolesville Presbyterian Church Little Free Pantry: 

Chicken or pulled pork Enchiladas 
Chicken or Pulled pork – can 12.5 oz.
Enchilada Sauce – 2 cans
Tortillas – one Package of 6-8
Green Chilies – 1 can
Cheese – shredded or Velveeta
Black or Pinto Beans – 1 can  


  1. Drain can of protein, place in a bowl and shred with fork. 
  2. Add one can of enchilada sauce, one can of green chilies (they are not hot), and shredded cheese or dice 8 oz. of Velveeta or similar product. Mix well. 
  3. Prepare baking dish with spray oil. 
  4. Scoop mixture into tortilla at one side and roll up and place into pan with edge down. 
  5. Repeat until all filling is used. 
  6. Cover tortillas with second can of enchilada sauce. 
  7. Top with cheese. 
  8. Heat in oven at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, or heat in microwave safe dish for 4 minutes. 
  9. Serve with rice and black beans and/or vegetables.