Poolesville Seniors serves the Poolesville and surrounding western Montgomery County communities. We create opportunities for adults to be socially, mentally, and physically active and engaged.
Poolesville Seniors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (incorporated as Poolesville Area Senior Center Inc., Fed Tax ID – 81-2272507) funded by grants from Montgomery County and the Town of Poolesville but mostly from the support and generosity of the community at large, including many individuals, businesses, civic organizations, and churches.
We are especially grateful for the ongoing dedication of our leadership team on the Board of Directors:
- Maria Briançon, President
- Tookie Gentilcore, Vice President
- Rich Norwood, Treasurer
- Claire Gunster-Kirby, Secretary
- Milton Andrews
- Marion Bona
- Denise Jacklin
- Stuart Le Grice
- Bill McDonald
- Bill Roche
- Melissa Rose
How can I join Poolesville Seniors?
There is no formal membership or dues! Sign up for our email list to get our weekly PS Postscript newsletter and register for the events on our calendar to stay active and involved.
Who can join Poolesville Seniors?
We classify seniors as ages 50+ however our events are open to all in the community.
What if I miss an event?
Most of our Zoom events are recorded and posted to our YouTube Channel by the following weekend. We post recaps on our blog from events as well. If you have registered and cannot attend, please let us know at info@poolesvilleseniors.org
How do I register for an event?
Registration to our events can be found on our website calendar or in our weekly blog and PS Postscript newsletter. Completing the registration form will send an instant confirmation with the information you will need to join online or in person.
How can I keep up with Poolesville Seniors?
To keep up with our events- sign up for our weekly email newsletter PS Postscript. We only email once a week and keep you up to date with upcoming events and recent posts from our blog.
What is the Birthday Club and how do I join?
Our Birthday Club recognizes you in our weekly PS Postscript newsletter and with a personal card during your birthday month. Join Birthday Club by emailing your mm/dd birthday to info@poolesvilleseniors.org