2024 is bringing good news for wellness in Poolesville. After much time and effort, WUMCO has received a commitment from Montgomery County that county-supported health services will be returning to the Poolesville area for the first time since the 1980’s!  The County will be sending a mobile clinic staff and offering free health screenings, behavioral health consultations, and linkages to social service resources. Their first clinic will be held on Thursday, January 19 from 10am-6pm at the WUMCO building. (17821 Elgin Rd.) Spanish speaking staff will be available.  


Appointments available. Walk-ins welcome!  

(Call 301-972-8481 x 7 to request an appointment by leaving your name and phone number and specifying that you are interested in the County Health Clinic.) 

 In addition, please note several additional health and wellness opportunities and upcoming events. Please take a moment to see if any of these might be helpful to you or your family. 


Adult Primary Care Clinic:  Saturdays, January 6 and 20, 8:00am-1:00pm at Poolesville Baptist (17550 W Willard Rd, across from the high school) – Care for Your Health will be back to provide medical care and consultations for those 18 years and older.  Insured and uninsured welcome.  Cost is low. Call Care for Your Health at 240-258-8583 to make an appointment. (Saturday lab work like blood draws can only be done in the morning, so please consider that when scheduling.) 

Dental Care: On Wednesday, January 17 AND Monday, January 22 the free mobile dental clinic will be held 9:00am-4:00pm at WUMCO, 17821 Elgin Rd.  The January 17 clinic is full, but if you would like to request an appointment or be placed on the waiting list for January 22 or future clinics, please call 301-972-8481 (ext 7) to leave your name and phone number and specify dental clinic.