Help Poolesville Seniors celebrate the 30th anniversary of Poolesville Day on Saturday September 17th. We‘re recruiting volunteers of all ages to help us showcase the Poolesville Seniors’ spirit. If you have always wanted to be in a parade…this is your opportunity! 

Help us shape our vision for the day with your creativity and ingenuity by joining our Poolesville Day Committee! Show your spirit by joining us in the parade or helping to staff our booth.  In appreciation, you will receive one of our custom-designed t-shirts. We will need help (in any time increment you can spare) from 10 AM to takedown around 5pm. If you want to volunteer, sign up below and we will contact you to confirm the most convenient volunteer slot for you.  

Show everyone your Poolesville Seniors pride and help us spread the word about our fabulous programs! We will be happy to have you join us in this 30-year tradition that celebrates our town.