Thank you to Jon Wolz for leading another of his Poolesville Seniors’ Pop-up Walks on the C&O Canal starting at the Monocacy Aqueduct.  

 After meeting and walking to the aqueduct, we heard about its history beginning with its construction (1831 – 1834). We learned about the efforts to maintain and improve the structure and noted storm debris that seems to have damaged one of the piers.  

Jon pointed out a large area that was dug out as a reservoir for boats on the canal to tie up and wait, as the aqueduct is only wide enough to accommodate one boat at a time. We walked to Lockhouse 27, Whalen’s Lock, learned its history and continued to the Dickerson Power Plant. Along the way Jon pointed out where the canal was built over Little Monocacy Creek and another outlet for flood overflow. 

Jon helped our group take advantage of the beautiful weather and our continuing interest in local history last week. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for a Pop-up walk when a nice day is forecast.