Time for another Pop-up Walk! Join Jon Wolz on Wednesday, November 17th before 10:00 a.m., as he once again takes us on a historical walk along the C&O Canal starting at the Monocacy Aqueduct. 

Participants will meet at the parking lot at the Monocacy Aqueduct. The walk will include a walk across the aqueduct and then back while we hear about its history. On the way back, we’ll walk down and look beneath one of the arches. From there, we will take the towpath, passing the Little Monocacy River, the ruins of an old stone house, lock 27, and down to the road entrance for the power plant. The total walk will be about three miles. At lock 27, Jon will point out where the old “Campbell Store” was once located across from the lock house. When we get back to the parking lot, for those interested Jon will lead them to a rusted-out truck from the 1920s in the woods nearby. Also, on top of the hill at the parking lot, there’s an abandoned car from the 1940s. 

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