Pop-Up Walk from Pennyfield Lock to Violette’s Lock

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Jon Wolz will lead a group of no more than 15 participants from Pennyfield Lock to Violette’s Lock and back along the C&O Canal towpath. The round trip is approximately 5 miles. Once back at Pennyfield Lock participants will have the opportunity to continue up the hillside to the remains of the Muddy Branch blockhouse. The climb up the hill is steep, but not slippery. There is no path and there are no signs describing its location. All that is left of the fort is a cross shaped earth works. The fort was destroyed in July 1864 by Confederates and never rebuilt. The group will meet in the parking lot at Pennyfield Lock. Access to the parking lot is via River Road, turn onto Pennyfield Lock Road and follow to the parking lot. The duration will be approximately 3 hours. 

Due to Social Distancing Compliance registration is capped at 15 participants, if you are interested but registration is full email info@poolesvilleseniors.org and you may be contacted if spots open up.

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