Monocacy Monocle Mystery History (Abraham Lincoln’s Unique Attachment to Poolesville)

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You won’t want to miss Rande Davis’ new Mystery History presentation for Poolesville Seniors at 7pm on February 11th. Rande will detail the story of a Civil War era Poolesville slave and his wife, his highly unique entrepreneurial enterprise, and the amazing gift he received from President Abraham Lincoln in appreciation of his unusual assistance to the Union cause.  Rande will also discuss Lincoln’s deeply personal and heart-rending connection to the town of Poolesville and how the President’s passionate concern about news of the war’s progress made Poolesville internationally known during the Civil War.

Rande is  a 40-year resident of Poolesville. He is a former publishing executive with Time Warner in New York City, owner of RSD Marketing, a publishing firm, and is the co-publisher and co-editor of the Monocacy Monocle. He writes a featured column called Mystery History for the newspaper as well as other historical oriented articles. Rande was also on the Board of Directors of the Historic Medley District LLC for more than 10 years. For 6 of those years, he was it’s Executive Director. Mr. Davis often portrays a living history rendition of John Poole Jr., as he provides historical background to groups about the John Poole House trading post, the Old Town Hall and Bank Museum, the Seneca Schoolhouse, and the old church and former town hall that now houses the Friendly Thrift Shop.

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