Chocolate – A Gift of Love

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Virtual Chocolate-Making Class!
Brought to You by Chocolate & Chi

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The Webinar is Scheduled for Thursday, February 4, 2021, at 7:00 PM EDT.  At the time of the event, please join the Zoom Meeting with the link provided via email the day before/day of.

You can purchase a Chocolate-Making Kit in advance of the class for $20, which will include the ingredients pre-measured and a mold. You can purchase through her PayPal or check, or cash at time of delivery. Maureen will deliver them locally. But you don’t need the ingredients on hand to participate, she will also have ready made chocolates for sale also. To order a kit download the order form here and email to

What You’ll Discover: 
– What’s in that chocolate bar?
– How is it made, and why does that matter?
– What makes natural chocolate “healthy”?
– How can you jazz up your own chocolates?
– If you have special dietary needs, can you still have your chocolate and eat it, too?

Recommended list of ingredients to follow along;

Cacao Paste: VivaPura, TerraSoul, Wilderness Poets
Cacao Powder / Nibs
Cacao Butter: VivaPura, TerraSoul, Navitas
Coconut Oil: Extra Virgin / Unfiltered /Organic
Sweeteners: Raw Honey, Maple Syrup, Coconut / Date Sugar
Sea Salt: Redmond Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, Celtic Salt


  • Coconut Flakes (I use maple-toasted)
  • Flax, Chia, or Hemp Seeds
  • Essential Oils (e.g., food grade peppermint) or Extracts
  • Supplements:  protein powder, Vitamin C, medicinal mushrooms, vanilla bean


  • Double-boiler (or bowl in hot water)
  • (Wooden) spoon, spatula, measuring spoons
  • Whisk or electric mixer
  • Kitchen scale
  • Chocolate / Candy Mold – not necessary but fun for the Holidays!
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