Bridge Practice Hands–Review of Bridge Basics Two Chapter 1

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Join Mary Conlon on Tuesday September 10th at noon for Bridge Practice Hands from Bridge Basics 2, Chapter 1.   The topic is preemptive bids with 6 card suits, bidding the Weak 2.   Point count requirements, definition of a “good” six card suit, responses to Weak 2 openings, and scoring thoughts will be discussed.   Hands will be played to demonstrate the importance of length in a suit.   Registration is limited to 8  

Place: Speer Hall Time – 12 noon – 1pm  

Instructor: Mary Conlon

Mary is a third generation Poolesville bridge player, playing since her teensBridge has been a great source of recreation and lasting friendships for her.   Mary is a retired teacher and reading specialist.   After discovering Audrey Grant’s teaching materials, she found them to be the perfect curriculum guide for the classes at the Poolesville Senior CenterShe has taught there and in her home for the past 5 years.   


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