If you are interested in the future of the town of Poolesville, you should study the 2024 Town of Poolesville  Comprehensive Plan just released by the town. The plan serves as a guide for the future growth, development, and provisioning of public services for the Town of Poolesville and its residents. Since Poolesville’s Comprehensive Plan project kicked off in the Spring of 2022, the Planning Commission has heard from residents and key community groups on concerns, challenges, and how they envision the future of Poolesville over the next ten years. They learned about the trends, challenges, and opportunities facing Poolesville today. Then, through an extensive eighteen-month engagement and visioning process, the project team, which consisted of the Planning Commission, Town Staff, and consultant Wallace Montgomery, developed the Draft Plan.  

This Draft Comprehensive Plan is designed to guide the Town over the next several years. It focuses more on quality and less on quantity or growth. The project team took the broader community’s desires and values into consideration. Maintaining the small-town charm, public safety, and revitalizing/re-imagining the historic and downtown areas are only a few core features that are factored into the Plan.  

The Planning Commission is proud to unveil the Draft Plan for citizen’s review. Please attend the public hearing set for Wednesday March 13, 2024, at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.