Thanks to Jon Wolz who took us to the tow path at White’s Ferry and showed us the groves of pawpaw trees. It was an excellent day for pawpaw gathering. The weather was sunny and in the 70’s, and the paw paws were so plentiful that the group finished getting all they wanted in about 45 minutes.  We began by sampling some paw paws in the parking lot meeting area. Then we made our way to the towpath heading south. In the first grove the ten participants immediately located many on the ground, with Jon guiding them to know which ones were ripe. Jon then showed the group how to “shake the pawpaw tree” to get more to fall out. We continued down the towpath, cutting right onto the road that leads to the old campground and gathered many more. When we returned to the parking area, Jon also shared a wonderful recipe for pawpaw salsa. Afterwards, several of the group repaired to White’s Ferry Grill for a delicious lunch by the river.